POSITIONING POWER GROUP of “MITICA” in the international project to light the “sun” on earth.
We were recruited by the European Consortium RFX that is carrying out in Padua a part of the hydrogen nuclear fusion experiment, also called “Artificial Sun”, which needed to solve problems for the installation of components inside the Faraday cage called High Voltage Deck 1 that houses the ionization source of MITICA (the sun lighter).
The problems to be solved concerned the “how” to bring the components weighing a few tons into position inside the HVD1, without removing the ceiling (as already tested Faraday’s cage) and without burdening the floor as it did not have the capacity for transit with such weights. We presented our project that involved the construction of special equipment, was analyzed by the international commission for the construction of MITICA and obtained approval we performed the work with great satisfaction for the commission that has booked us to perform the same work in a couple of years in France where the first reactor is being built on an industrial scale.
- truck with crane
- customized tools